알래스카" 4월 마지막주 구인정보"
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페인터 유무 경험자. 시간당 10 (30)에서 불 불
스시 앤 스시 주방
일식, 중식 쿡 구함
쿡 헬퍼 숙식 제공
페인터, 기술자, 헬퍼
이글 리버 일식
숙식 제공. 스시맨, 튀김 전문직 구함
중앙 식품 쿡, 헬퍼, 907-277-1170
중식 쿡, 헬퍼
양식 쿡, 앵커리지
숙식 제공
원조 순두부
쿡, 쿡 헬퍼, 웨이츄레스
중식 쿡, 헬퍼, 캐시 어
중식 쿡, 헬퍼, 딜리버리
스시맨 헬퍼, 주방 헬퍼
숙식 제공
가사 도우미 숙식 제공 가능
유경험자 페인터
시간당 25 불
스시맨, 웨이츄레스, 주방, 주방 헬퍼
와실 라
급 구함
웨이츄레스, 버싱, 디시 워시
와실 라 일식당
웨이츄레스, 디시 워시
숙식 제공
스시맨, 중식 쿡, 디시 워시
주방 아줌마 구함
파트 타임
중식 쿡, 헬퍼, 웨이츄레스
노던 차이나 웨이츄레스
아시아 퓨전 식당 카사
웨이츄레스, 버싱
쿡 헬퍼, 딜리버리
일식당. 웨이츄레스, 버싱
중식 쿡 & 쿡 헬퍼
알라스카 지역
숙식 제공
손 빠르 신분, 영주권 스폰서 가능
이곳은 스폰이 가능한 곳이라 올립니다.
알래스카 (숙식 제공)
웨이트리스 / 양식 쿡 / 쿡 헬퍼
(907)529-4963 (907)852-3301
주방 헬퍼
알래스카 지역 일식당, 숙박 제공
(907)888-8897 제임스
스시맨 / 중식 쿡
알래스카 이글 리버 지역
숙식 제공 (907)229-8146
알라스카 롤 & 양식당
유경험 쿡 & 쿡 헬퍼 구함
숙식 제공 (907)434-1640
알라스카 - 숙식 제공
* 한식 중식 스시맨 (여자도 OK)
* 목수 / 플러밍 구함 (907)262-7122
Alaska Camp Host - 40 Mile Wild and Scenic River (Walker Fork Campground)
Today's visitors can find relaxation, adventure or a touch of the past in the Fortymile region, which provided Interior Alaska's first gold rush in 1886. Float trips on the Fortymile Wild and Scenic River offer scenic beauty, solitude and glimpses of gold-mining dredges, turn-of-the-century trapper cabins and abandoned townsites. Threading through this rugged landscape, the twisty and picturesque Taylor Highway leads motorists into the heart of the Fortymile and over American Summit to the historic town of Eagle on the Yukon River. The Top of the World Highway forks off the Taylor Highway, allowing access to Dawson City in Canada's Yukon Territory.
The Walker Fork Campground is at milepost 82 of the Taylor Highway. Eighteen sites, outhouses, and a picnic area occupy the site of what was once the Lassen airstrip. Year-round air service to this site eventually replaced the sleds that delivered equipment and fuel to mining camps on nearby Jack Wade Creek during the winter.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Monitor campground visitor use and collect data
Assist visitors with registration, explain campground policy and provide travel and recreation planning information
Assist with day-to-day operations of the campground including light janitorial maintenance, site maintenance (cleaning tables and fire rings,removing litter), distributing fire wood and other minor repairs
Report maintenance needs, campground disturbances and emergencies to BLM staff
Conduct groundskeeping duties, including removal of fallen trees, weeding and pruning of low shrubs in the campground
Perform regular cleaning and updating of information kiosks and interpretive panels at the campground
Work on special projects which may include trail inventory, assisting with interpretive programs, photography or other projects depending on the Field Office's need and the volunteer's skills and goals
Expected Results:
Visitors will receive friendly service and accurate information about services, facilities and recreation opportunities in the Fortymile area, and enjoy clean, well-maintained facilities
Benefits to Volunteers:
The opportunity to spend a summer in Alaska's eastern frontier
Meet people from all over the world
Gain experience helping other people learn about and care for our public lands and their natural and cultural resources
Abundant opportunities for hiking, wildlife watching, gold panning, fishing, berry picking, photography, gold rush history, etc.
Volunteer must enjoy meeting and interacting with people and providing them with information
Must be able to work independently
Must be able to live in a remote location with limited services
Limitations & Requirements:
Must have a valid driver's license
Volunteer must provide their own trailer or RV for housing
Must have or be willing to obtain (at the BLM's expense) required training including First Aid/CPR/AED with wilderness protocols,defensive driving, bear safety and field use of bear spray.
Time Commitment:
Dates: Approximately June 1st 2015 through September 15, 2015 - flexible
Work Schedule: Volunteer works approximately 40 hours per week and is on call due to nature of the work. Time off can be scheduled if desired and is encouraged!
What Agency Provides:
General orientation to BLM lands, recreation,and training specific to the BLM and Department of Interior managed lands in the area, their natural and cultural values and allowable and appropriate recreational uses of those lands
Satellite phone and all tools and products needed to complete duties
BLM volunteer uniforms
Side by side "Mule" all-terrain vehicle with power washer/tank onboard
Propane and water delivery for trailer or RV
Subsistence and support of person reimbursement of $42.00 per day that the volunteer agreement is in effect.This reimbursement is per couple, not per person.
Working Conditions:
The campground is located about 90 miles from Tok, AK and about 90 miles from Dawson City, Canada the closest full-service communities
Summer temperatures range from the teens to the 80s F. Rain, snow, wind, lightning storms, wildfires and unexpected road closures may occur at any time
Volunteer may come in contact with bears and other such wildlife in the area
Mosquitoes can be abundant and ferocious in the early season
Contact the BLM at 907-474-2236 if you are interested and thanks for looking!
아웃 도어 좋아하 신분은 지원해 보시기 바랍니다.
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New Letter Delivery Driver Has Opened Upper Salary (anchorage)
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